Our “Star Wars” themed open day is happening this morning! The open day session will be on at 9.30am. And at 10.30am and 11.30am, we will be having a special tag-team workout based on Star Wars. See you in the box!

The “Star Wars Death Star Mission”

For the whole background on the mission, visit this link. Working as a tag team, this is the workout:

PART 1: Fight your way in!
As a team, complete:
Run 400m with a Medicine Ball
50 Burpees
50 Wall Balls

Timeline: 10 minutes

PART 2: Actions at Objective
Team ALPHA: Rescue the Princess and hostages
21-15-9 reps of:
Pull Ups
KB Swings @ 24kg/16kg
30 Push Ups

Team BRAVO: Destroy Death Star with high explosives
21-15-9 reps of:
Thrusters @ 45kg/30kg
30 Push Ups

Timeline: 12 minutes

PART 3: Escape from the Death Star!
As a team, complete:
Run 1.2km with DB @ 35lbs/25lbs
50 DB Snatches @ 35lbs/25lbs

Timeline: 15 minutes

Timeline Penalties:
*For PART 1 & PART 2:
Every uncompleted rep=an injury sustained to the team! Each injury=2 burpees!
*For PART 3:
For every uncompleted rep, a hostage has been lost! Each hostage lost=5 burpees!

May the force be with you!

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